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Mistakes That You Are Doing With Your Roof

Having a strong roof over your head is something that we all need. However, to keep it working at its bests we need to take proper care for it. Unfortunately, your roof won’t take care of itself, so it is up to you to maintain your roof and solve the issues when they arise. Now, most people often do a lot of mistakes when it comes to their roof. Here are the common mistakes people make when caring for their roofs and learn the correct way to maintain yours.

Mistakes That You Are Doing With Your Roof

Guide from a Professional Roofing Company

Over-Insulating Your Home

Contrary to what you might think, there is actually such a thing as using too much insulation for your roof. If your home has an attic, then too much insulation won’t allow for proper ventilation and that would cause mold to grow and other issues.

Cleaning Your Roof With a Pressure Washer

Cleaning your roof is really helpful as it would enhance the appearance and prevent mold from growing. However, many people do that using a pressure washer to do the job which can damage the surface of your roof. So, when you clean your roof, use a hose instead.

Irregular Roof Inspection

Just because you don’t see any leaks doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t any issues with your roof. Take the time to inspect your roof at regular intervals so you can deal with small repairs when needed.

Not Checking the Attic

If you only inspect the outside of your home, you may be overlooking some important signs that your roof needs to be replaced. Always check your attic to look for signs of mold growth or excessive humidity.

Roof Repair in Palo Alto

Re-Roofing Over Shingles

No matter what you do, do not nail new shingles over old ones. This would only make things worse. Old shingles would need to be removed and replaced by new ones for a proper seal.

Call a Professional Today

Roofing problems can be complicated and need to be handled by an experienced roofing contractors in Palo Alto who knows what they’re doing. Call Wong Roofing today or fill up our contact form to avoid these mistakes and ensure that your roof is able to protect your loved ones.

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